The Gift Bag Punch Board makes making a gift bag quick and easy! Check out these gift bags that were made with the Gift Bag Punch Board.
From left to right are a small, medium and large gift bag. The size refers to the width of the bag. You can choose what height you would like to make it. The first two were made from a six-inch high piece. The one on the right was made from an eight-inch high piece, but then one-inch was folded over at the top.
The Gift Bag Punch Board has a punch for punching the holes for the ribbon too.
Here is a close up of the large sized gift bag. In the video below, during the second half of the video, I show how to make this bag.
Check out the video to see how to make the Gift Bag using your Gift Bag Punch Board.
Below is a template of the what your cardstock or patterned paper looks like once you have scored and punched it with the Gift Bag Punch Board. You need to remember that the way it looks now is upside down. If you have patterned paper that can only go one way, when you put the paper into the punch board ready to punch, you have it face it so the design looks upside down to you as you punch it. Once you have punched it you can turn it around so it is the right way up.
Product ListIf you would like to purchase a Gift Bag Punch Board, don’t delay! It is on the retiring list, so it will only be available while stocks last, or until Monday 3rd June 2019.